school address: 1710 McGuinn Drive, High Point, NC 27265
school phone: 336-819-2880
Ms. Joan Waring, site coordinator: waringj@gcsnc.com
Dr. Kevin Wheat, principal

Welborn Academy works to promote academic achievement in a caring environment by encouraging responsible decision-making cultural understanding, and respect for self and others.
Title 1 Night, Curriculum Night and Open House are packed with parents learning more about their student's activities and grade level curriculum. Topics covered also include community resources, standardized testing, school and classroom expectations. Family movie nights, sponsored by the PTA encourage family engagement.
Tutoring on Wednesday afternoons is a collaboration with High Point University students to increase academic achievement of Welborn students. Additional tutors are always welcome. See below to register as a GCS volunteer and connect with Ms. Waring.
In July, Washington Wizard and High Point native, Anthony Gill organized a back pack give away at Welborn. Joan worked with the Gill family and other community partners to make the give away a resource fair for incoming GCS students.
A federal imitative designed to increase early college awareness, readiness and success, Gear Up students are given the opportunities to tour local colleges and universities in the Triad.
CIS sponsors a number of wonderful programs by pairing with community partners. Peak Adventures is a leadership development program for 7-8th graders. Leadership roles and community service are the key components to the Youth Leadership Institute sponsored by the local chapter of AKA Sorority. Another girls group is Ladies of Purpose that works with 6-8th graders. Classcraft is the PBI that reinforces positive behavior, classroom participation and good choices.
Current Needs:
incentives - to be distributed to promote student attendance, good behavior and improved academics
teacher and staff appreciation - teachers work so hard all day long. It's nice to reward them with coffee and doughnuts, a warm lunch in the winter, gift cards for birthdays and special occasions.
speakers - to talk to grade levels and clubs about careers and community service
tutors - to work with students weekly after school to improve academics
mentors - to build a one on one relationship with a case managed student
If YOU want to be a part of the amazing things going on at Welborn Academy, register to be a GCS volunteer by clicking here and email Ms. Waring.