school address: 608 Fairview Street, High Point, NC 27260
school phone: 336-819-2890
Mrs. Pam Greene, site coordinator: greenep2@gcsnc.com
Ms. Fanisha Fuller, principal

Fairview Elementary is one of the oldest schools in High Point. Pam works with the Leadership Team to help build the momentum for everyone to always exhibit integrity, excellence and team work. We hold these things up by following the Fairview FIVE rules. Beautifully painted murals brighten the hallways and invite students to be creative in the classrooms.
Fairview University is held monthly for our scholars and their families. Families have the chance to eat breakfast with their students. After the scholars go to class, our parents have class to discuss topics like attendance, scholar engagement at home and how to access mental health for your family.
Fall Festival happens in November, complete with hay rides, arts and crafts and outdoor fun!
GO FAR (Go Out For A Run) is an after school program to promote fitness. Students participate in 5k runs in the spring.
STEAM Night is held in February. Scholars get to conduct experiments that create wild and exciting outcomes.
Current Needs:
incentives - to be distributed to promote student attendance, good behavior and improved academics
teacher and staff appreciation - teachers work so hard all day long. It's nice to reward them with coffee and doughnuts, a warm lunch in the winter, gift cards for birthdays and special occasions.
speakers - to talk to grade levels or classrooms around careers and community service. We are also looking for speakers for our Fairview University.