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School Resource Room

CIS Clothing Closet Logo Final

Savvy Chic donation

5-7-24 SRR Ribbon cutting

CIS Clothing Closet Logo Final
What do our kids need to be successful in school?
Appropriate Clothing, Hygiene Supplies, Shelf Safe Foods, School Supplies
If a student does not have these items, they are likely to stay home.
Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing more than 10% of the days enrolled,
usually 18 days per school year. Our students in CISHP schools missed the equivalent of
260,694 days between August 28, 2023 - June 3, 2024.
The new
provides these resources to our site coordinators, school counselors
and social workers for our students.
If you would like to hold a supply drive, click on any of the needs above (in red) or our condensed list from all categories here. You may also purchase items from our
Amazon Wish List that will be shipped directly to CISHP.
The School Resource Room is a partnership with Emmanuel Lutheran Church and was proudly expanded as the Leadership High Point Class of 2024 Project.
If you would like to learn more about our School Resource Room, how you can volunteer or donate,
call CISHP at 336-883-6434 or email
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